Center Align image in bootstrap

Do you know how much energy and water you lost today?

Know how

Center Align image in bootstrap

Optimize Utilities
Save Energy & Water


Connecting the dots...


Center Align image in bootstrap

Integrated Utility Management Services

Minimize Instrumentation,
Maximize Performance

Integrated Performance

Monitor equipment, system, & process performance.

Center Align image in bootstrap

Smart Water-Energy Grid

Monitor Water & Aquifer through energy

Smart Water-Energy Grid

Deriving water withdrawal, level, draw down, hydro geological properties etc from an energy meter.

Center Align image in bootstrap

Plant Virtualization( Patent Pending )

Plant performance from energy and temperature

Virtual Chiller Plant

Derive chiller plant performance and engage a process of continuous commissioning using only energy and temperature sensors.

Center Align image in bootstrap

Virtual Metering( Patent No 236496 )

Fluid parameters derived from Energy

Virtual Pump Station

Derives dynamic performance of pumping systems (including head, flow and efficiency) using only an energy meter.

How it Works
(Virtual Chiller Plant)

Datamatrix - Digital Twin & AI Cloud

Steps to Engage Datamatrix


Provide name plate data and site test/audit data of critical machines


Establish energy data communication of critical machines.


Establish header temperature data communication (only for heating and cooling systems)


Remote monitoring analytics and automation through Datamatrix Cloud